MS-FUSION A.I.R. -  Artist & Scientist in Residence - Initiated by Rainer Prohaska 




The MS-FUSION is a motor-driven catamaran with a length of 10m and a width of 7m. The passenger space is two-story, has a total area of 100m2 and offers working and living space for 6 people. Beside the captain, an additional person is needed as a support docking and departing safely. With an average cruising speed of 20km/h, maximum daily stages of up to 200km are possible.

MS FUSION’s Tech Specs:

Model: Motorized catamaran
Motorization: 70hp & 50hp (reserve drive)
Cruising speed: 20km/h
Maximum speed: 37km/h

Length: 9.8m / width: 7.0m / height: 4.4m
Minimum crew: 2 people
Standard crew: 5 people
Crew maximum: 7 people

Photo | Exhibition Der Hände Werk at Schallaburg, 2019
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Qualities & Advantages

  • Passengers can pursue special interests & individual goals.
  • It is possible to individually influence the course of the trip thanks to the option to dock anywhere.
  • Specially designed ship with special travel and sailing qualities.

The ship as a communication medium
  • The special & unusual aesthetics generates special attention & situations.
  • Alternative communication channels & differentiated access to hidden Danube cultures.
  • Source of inspiration & serendipity for research & production of artistic works

  • May be controlled with the Danube patent up to 10m ship length.
  • Easy to steer and maneuverability, also possible for passengers.
  • Modular expandability & adaptable to special needs.
  • Can be easy dismantled, therefore fast & cheap return transport by land routs.

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Preparation | 2000-2006
During his studies, the artist Rainer Prohaska started experiments on the topics of mobility and inland navigation.
After two classic voyages on the Danube, in 2002 on a DDSG cargo ship and in 2005 on a Romanian passenger ship, the artist later undertook two more journeys.

The Z-Boats - Modular Barges | 2007-2008
In the center of the project The Z-Boats, the artist explored the question of how an inland waterway vessel is configured when a large part of the design considerations for this vehicle will be made during a journey and not before the planned trip. 
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CARGO | 2014
The MS-CARGO was built for the 2014 trip, the quality of which was based on the experience of the prototype from 2007 (The Z-Boats).
During this second Danube trip, a River Road Movie was shot, which premiered at the donaufestival in Krems in May 2015 and is entitled BORING RIVER.
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BORING RIVER | 2015 - 2016
The focus was on observation and film documentation of the Danube region and the people who have their center of life there. The metaphor of freight in the name of MS-CARGO acted as a symbolic link between land and ship and at the same time represents an exchange between the travelers and the cultures they have traveled to.
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Tagging Hidden Architecture Jewels | 2017-2018
As part of the INTERREG project Danube Transnational Program - Danube Culture Platform - Creative Spaces of the 21st Century, 6 different artistic experiments in the Danube region between Bratislava and Gabcikovo (Slovakia) were successfully carried out and completed in November 2018.

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